Ford IAC Newsletter 1-2022
March 2022 The situation at Ford (overview) Colleagues from four Ford sites (one of them formerly Ford-Bordeaux, now MAGNA Powertrain) have positioned themselves with a resolution against the war in Ukraine, against war and armament policies of their own governments and for active resistance.
ICOG statement on imperialist aggression in Ukraine and the threat of world war
28 February 2022: We think of the suffering of the millions of people in Ukraine. Our sympathy goes out to them. We stand by the side of our colleagues in Ukraine and Russia. In particular, we stand in solidarity with the courageous peace activists in Russia and with the resistance of the Ukrainian people, rising up against the occupation. We greet the participants from these countries, which were at our 2nd International Automotive Workers' Conference 2020. The International Automotive Workers' Coordination condemns Russia's imperialist attack on Ukraine. Immediate stop of the bombardments! Russian troops out of Ukraine!
KOG Germany: Solidarity wins! Stop the attempt of criminalization of Gabi Fechtner, Monika Gärtner - Engel, Stefan Engel ( MLPD)
23 February 2022: The coordination group supports you with full commitment against accusations of terrorism, character assassination and criminalization and the announcement of a Europe-wide police search against you.
Philippines MWAP: Workers need significant wage hike now
22 February 2022 The Metal Workers Alliance of the Philippines said Filipino workers urgently need a significant wage hike amid the rising prices and economic hardship brought about the Covid 19 pandemic.
Third ICOG online meeting passed important forward-looking resolutions
20 February 2020: Dear colleagues, The 3rd Online Video Meeting of the International Coordination Group (ICOG) took place successfully in January. Important resolutions for further work were discussed and adopted. Key issues in the discussion were the impact of the Corona pandemic, the development of international coordination work and the need to improve cooperation with the elected international corporate coordinators of International Automotive Workers' Coordination.
Country Reports to 3rd online meeting from Brazil, Germany, India, South Africa
On International Women's Day, let's keep up the militant fight!
13 February 2022: ICOG Call for March 8, 2022: Since 2021, all over the world, especially for women in the poorest countries, there are bitter effects of the deepening misery due to the economic and environmental crisis. The general increase in prices, the lack of jobs and food mean hunger and hardship for poor families. The effects of the transition to climate catastrophe, such as the deforestation of the Amazon jungle, or regional environmental disasters, undermine livelihoods worldwide. Women and children suffer particularly. Their dignity is often trampled underfoot in the global refugee movement, which has grown to over 80 million.
Solidarity message against the repression of Free Metalworkers’ Union (SPM) in Belarus
2 February 2022: Dear colleagues, we are very outraged to learn that in 2021 you have faced continues harassment and repression of trade unions and militant workers movement in Belarus.
To the colleagues of General Motors Silao, Mexico Congratulations on the successful election of a new militant union!
February 3, 2022: Spokespersons for the International Group Coordination General Motors - Stellantis in the International Automotive Workers' Coordination: Congratulations on the successful election of a new militant union! You have overwhelmingly chosen to support the SINTTIA union. Last year you had already rejected the contract of the CTM union. We understand your decision as a decision for the struggle for higher wages.
Iran: The strike of “Barez Tire Factory” workers in Kerman
Documented from AWNI Bulletin No 154 published on 31 January 2022: Kerman's “Barez Tire Factory” workers also went on strike and protested. These workers have repeatedly protested to get increased wages and on time wage payments. But like other workers and the deprived sections of society, their voices have not been heard. They live in a very difficult situation. At best, their wages can only cover 15 days of their lives in a month. Many of them are renting places on the outskirts of cities and spend most of their wages to pay rent.
1 February 2022: Dear Colleagues, We congratulate you for your steadfast position on fighting for and defending the rights of workers in the midst of the COVID19 Pandemic. Do not allow the Employers to take away from you your hard earned democratic rights and freedoms to demand a safe, hygiene and health work environment at your workplace. You were right to stand up for the workers at VW in South Africa for protective measures against the corona virus. We strongly reject the fact that you were dismissed or suffer further disadvantages for this. We demand your immediate reinstatement!
Motion in Solidarity with Autoworkers of GM at Silao plant, Mexico
30 January 2022: A case of violation of the labor rights of metalworkers at the GM (General Motors) plant in Silao, Guanajuato, Mexico, has been emblematic and has gathered solidarity from workers all over the world. As if the situation of precariousness and exploitation were not enough, the decision of the rank and file has not been respected and there are fraudulent actions in relation to the collective contract of these workers.
Ford to stop car production in India
On September 9, 2021, news of the planned closure of Ford's Sanand plant in western India by December 31 hit the approximately 1,200 employees like a bombshell. Ford also plans to close its Chennai plants in southern India by mid-2022. 2,600 workers will lose their livelihood, and the entire region would be affected. Correspondence from Ingolstadt rf-news.de 30 December 2021
Good luck, power and health in the New Year 2022 !
The International Coordination Group expresses its sincere thanks for the good cooperation in 2021. We look forward to a militant and successful year 2022 !
We mourn the loss of Sonti Dlamini
25 December 2021: Our friend Sonti Dlamini died of cancer much too early on Christmas Eve. She was 32 years old and leaves behind Khanysile, her 12 year old daughter. We met Sonti while preparing for the 2nd International Automotive Workers Conference in Vereeniging, South Africa. In the Multinational Assistance Staff Sonti was co-responsible for the catering and thus had a great share in the success of the conference. Sonti was a reliable, gentle and kind co-worker and friend. We will cherish her memory. We wish her daughter and her friends much strength to cope with the heavy loss.
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