A statement from a former Worker of Opel Bochum for the workers of GM in Gunsan, Korea
In order to organize solidarity for the workers of GM in Gunsan, Korea, the metal workers union of South Korea, KMWU, asked the International Autoworkers Coordination for a statement from a former Worker of Opel Bochum, A GM plant which was closed by GM three years ago.
Motion of Solidarity to our Colleagues at Volkswagen Autoeuropa Palmela/Portugal
January 30, 2018 - Dear colleagues, your ballot votes in August and November 2017 against regular work on Saturday and Sunday obviously indicated your strong determination. On August 30, 2017, many workers of VW corporation and from all around the globe had watched respectfully your powerfull 24-hours-strike. This was a very important step to oppose plans of VW corporation.
Declaration of protest against the ban of MPRA in Russia
January 30, 2018 - International Automotive Workers Coordination turns determined against ban and dissolution of Interregional Trade Union Workers Association (MPRA), which was decreed by court of Saint Petersburg on January 10, 2018.
Statement of solidarity with Workers of Volkswagen Plant in Palmela (Portugal)
On behalf of the IP (Inicjatywa Pracownicza - the Workers' Initiative) Workplace Section at Volkswagen Poland, we would like to express our esteem, warm greetings and sincere solidarity with your strike against the enforced working weekends. Our section was established in August 2017 also in the face of extended working time in the Volkswagen factories in Poznań as well as passivity of the "Solidarność" union, which recently agreed on introducing the 17th shift (second shift on Saturdays).
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