Save the date: Attention changed date! 3rd International Automotive Workers Conference from November 20 to 24, 2025 in Pune, India
Protest and solidarity resolution against the announced plans for a possible Audi plant closure in Brussels, Belgium
14 July 2024: Dear colleagues, The International Coordination Group of the International Automotive Workers' Coordination strongly protests against Audi's plans to close the plant in Brussels. At least 3,000 jobs are directly affected and others at affiliated suppliers. The workforce has already had to accept production cuts and short-time working since the beginning of the year. 371 temporary workers have already been terminated. When production of the Q8-e-tron is relocated to Mexico, there will be no successor model. The workforce is facing the end.
VDL subsidized due to layoffs
July 11, 2024: VDL Nedcar has stopped producing cars for some time. However, the dismissed personnel have by no means all found jobs. Some workers have worked there all their lives and at 55 can't be called old, but the bosses think differently, it seems. More than 750 people are on unemployment benefit and either do not have a job or do some volunteer work. There will now be a good two million in subsidies to help people find work. Much of this money will go to the South Limburg Work Center. The subsidy comes from the European Union, the province of Limburg,
GM closes plants in Colombia and Ecuador without warning
30 April 2024: Documented from website of CSP Conlutas Brazil: In Colombia, workers report that they were "kicked out" of their jobs and prevented from entering the factory without any warning Last Friday (26), General Motors announced the closure of its plants in Colombia and Ecuador. According to the company, the plant in Bogotá has already begun the closure process. In Ecuador, the plan is to close production at the OBB plant by the end of August.
Great success for the UAW trade union at VW in Chattanooga / USA
23 April 2024: Documented from rf-news.de: 73 percent of workers at the US plant in Chattaganooga voted in favor of being represented by the militant United Auto Workers (UAW) trade union in a vote that ended on Friday. A great victory after three attempts against an alliance of union enemies.
Solidary greetings from IAC Mercedes Corporate Coordination to United Autoworkers Union (UAW) and Labor Notes Congress in Chicago
Sindelfingen / Germany / April 27, 2024 Dear colleagues of the United Autoworkers Union (UAW) and at the Labor Notes Congress in Chicago! We colleagues of the Mercedes Benz / Daimler Group within the International Automotive Workers Coordination (IAC), send you and your families militant and solidary greetings! We were delighted to support your successful, historic, simultaneous strike against the three major US car manufacturers Ford, Stellantis and General Motors (GM) last year and are now supporting the logical consequence of this success:
Solidary greetings from IAC VW Corporate Coordination to United Autoworkers Union (UAW) and Labor Notes Congress in Chicago
April 16, 2024 Dear Colleagues of the United Autoworkers Union (UAW) and at the Labor Notes Congress in Chicago, We colleagues in the VW Group (with Audi, MAN, Porsche) in the International Automotive Workers Coordination (IAC) send you our warmest and most militant greetings!
Together against imperialist wars and global environmental destruction, against the dismantling of democratic rights and the destruction of jobs!
April 18, 2024: Corrected edition: Call of the International Coordination Group for April 28 and May 1, 2024: Dear colleagues, The first of May is traditionally our common international day of struggle! Let's use this day to actively represent our demands in the factories and take them to the streets. Let's strengthen the international unity of workers across countries and companies! Let us also focus on the vision of a world without exploitation and oppression.
25,000 demonstrate nationwide at the Bosch action day against planned job destruction
23 March 2024: Correspondence: On March 20, more than 10,000 colleagues protested outside Bosch headquarters against the announced 8,000 job losses. According to trade union IG Metall, there were 25,000 nationwide. In the sunshine, we from the International Automotive Workers' Coordination (IAC) greeted the participants as they disembarked from the queue of buses with a rally, short speeches and songs. This fully met the militant mood.
We demand the immediate reinstatement of trade union leader Luiz Carlos Prates (“Mancha”) by General Motors Brazil
18 March 2024: The International Coordinating Group of International Automotive Workers Coordination maintains its condemnation of the unjust dismissal of Luiz Carlos Prates (“Mancha”).
On March 21, 2024: Strikes and actions against racism, fascism and war!
4 March 2024: Coordinating Group Germany: Many trade unions, workers and young workers are taking part in the mass anti-fascist demonstrations of recent weeks. "Together against fascism" therefore means that workers belong at the forefront of anti-fascist protest and resistance.
Against the destruction of jobs at the automotive suppliers - Organize and take part in actions!
1 March 2024: Coordinating Group Germany: What is planned? The suppliers are planning massive job losses. One in four of the current 270,000 jobs are to be destroyed by 2030. Only a maximum of 200,000 would then remain (Automobilwoche 18.2.2024) Bosch plans to cut over 3,000 jobs in the Stuttgart region, primarily among developers and employees. ZF Friedrichshafen has announced the elimination of 12,000 jobs. Continental wants to cut 7150 jobs and comprehensively restructure parts of the group (see "New job destruction plans... on this website).
March 8 - International Women's Day: Active for women's liberation
March 3, 2024: Five months of bombardment of the Gaza Strip by Israel and two years of war in Ukraine mean endless suffering for the population. Homes, infrastructure, the whole of nature is being destroyed because imperialist powers such as Russia, Israel, the US and other new imperialists want to expand their sphere of influence and their sources of profit at the cost of other imperialists and above all at the cost of the people. More than 30,000 people have already been killed in Gaza, about 70 percent of them women and children. All respect to the women in Gaza, Iran, Poland, Argentina and many other countries who, despite the particular oppression, do not allow themselves to be discouraged and confidently take a stand against sexism, violence against women and discrimination. Women are at the forefront of the fight against a rightward development and fascism.
Third International Automotive Workers' Conference will be held in India at the end of November 2025
1 March 2024: Dear colleagues, at the 6th online meeting on January 28, 2024, the International Coordination Group (ICOG) unanimously accepted the application of trade union federations from India to hold the Third International Automotive Workers' Conference (3rd IAC) in India. The exact location will be determined by the end of June 2024. We look forward to your active support, global mobilization and participation of delegations from all over the world. ICOG is focusing its work on the preparation of the 3rd IAC. This conference is self-organized and financially independent. A call for donations and sponsors will be distributed.
The strike at Audi in San José Chiapa, Puebla, Mexico continues indefinitely.
Correspondence February 12, 2024: In a vote on Friday, February 9, on Audi's offer to increase wages by 5% and social benefits by 2%, there was a clear vote. 3,778 employees, or 83.1%, rejected the offer. Production of the Q5 at the Audi plant in Mexico was increased by 29% from 123,000 vehicles in 2020 to 175,000 in 2023. The Independent Trade Union at Audi Mexico (SITAUDI) has been on strike since January 24 for a 10% wage increase and a 5.5% increase in social benefits. The International Coordination Group of the International Automotive Workers' Coordination has sent SITAUDI solidarity greetings.
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