Solidarity Message from South Africa to Honda Workers on Strike

Dear collegues, we send you our warmest greetings from Southafrica.

1 December 2019


We, the participants of a meeting of southafrican workers and supporters from Germany declare our solidarity with your struggle for the reinstatement of the 1500 dismissed contractual workers. We will announce your struggle throughout the working class in Southafrica. Also here in Southafrica the companies are trying to divide the workers into different categories. We must not allow this to happen. Therefore we support your courageous  strike.

The automotive industrie is a pacemaker for the beginning of a new world economic crisis. This is one of the reasons why the monopolies attack us workers and our rights all over the world. We very much hope to meet you in February in Vereenigen in Southafrica at the International Automotive Workers Conference. We have to discuss our experiences and draw conclusions to build our cooperation internationally.


Your fight is our fight!


Divided we will fall – united we will stand.





Response on 2 December from Honda Union

Dear South African Workers and Supporters.

           First of all, we all HONDA EMPLOYEES UNION HMSI (MANESAR- 1ST
FACTORY INDIA) thankful to all South African Workers Union & leaders for
your appreciation and support. We all are glad to know that worker of
all around the world are on same platform and our eyes all around the
world on worker unity.

Your mail really inspires us to continuous fight for our rights.

• Management trying to create fear and forcing worker to work more
than their capacity and trying to minimize manpower.

• Worker union is protesting against the dictatorship attitude.

• We think time has been come to work together and we should share our
issue on world level platform.


Thanks & Regards

HMSI Employee Union India.
President:- Suresh Gaur


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