Message of solidarity to the employees of Scaw Metals

Dear colleagues, we have learned that all 196 employees at Scaw Metals in Vereeniging were laid off on 24 January. We protest against this and are in solidarity with you in the struggle to keep your jobs. You have justifiably refused a 13% cut on wages.

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We stress our protest facing that your "sit-in", as a spontaneous strike against the dismissals, was dissolved by the police and security staff of the location, using tear gas and rubber bullets. This was obviously a measure to preempt the strike that NUMSA had registered at the court. We condemn that strike breakers have now been hired to play them off against you. We wish you much success in preparing the ballot for a legitimate strike.


Our 2nd International Automotice Workers Conference will take place from February 19 to 23 in the city hall of Vereeniging. Your struggle will surely find the attention and solidarity of the expected more than 300 participants from 18 countries so far.


On 21 February we will organize a demonstration starting at 4 pm in Vereeniging. This is certainly a good opportunity to take your protest out into the streets together with us.


We cordially invite you to participate in our conference and the demonstration and are curious about the reports on the further course of your struggle.


Fight for every job - international!

Go ahead with the international workers and trade union unity!

Long Live International Solidarity!

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