Information Letter of ICOG No. 10
Come to the 2nd IAC! Take an active part in the preparation and take responsibility in the implementation! The ICOG is calling upon to gain participants from even more countries.
We ask you to send the obligatory registrations quickly to the ICOG: mail to . The registration form and further information on the 2nd IAC can be downloaded from the homepage Please be sure to include your flight number and exact arrival and departure time. If you have not booked yet, you should arrive at the latest on 18 February, 6 pm. Please inform us in your registration if you need a visa. We will send you the documents for the embassy immediately. Do not underestimate this bureaucratic hurdle!
The draft for an International Program of Struggle can be found on the homepage in 5 languages. Delegations can still propose modifications until 15 January. The then revised draft will be sent to you on 1 February.
On the second day of the 2.IAC will take place a presentation and discussion of country reports. We ask the delegations from all countries to send their 5-minute country reports quickly, if possible as a PowerPoint presentation, always in English. We need the reports as soon as possible, by 5 February 2020 at the latest.
Some are still being held back by financial hurdles and questions about the actual organization of the conference and accommodation. But based on our principle of financial independence and self-financing, it is possible to apply for grants from the ICOG. Please write to the ICOG and tell them how much your total costs are approximatly, what contribution you can make yourself and what grant you need.
In South Africa, many colleagues together with international helpers are actively involved in the broad mobilization and the whole organizational preparation of the 2nd IAC. With the City Hall in Vereeniging we have booked a suitable venue in a major industrial center. For the overnight stay of all participants we have reserved a large holiday resort for 25 Euro per night.
A shuttle service from the airport there and to the City Hall will be organized. We also organize the catering at a reasonable price.
More detailed information on arrival and stay in South Africa, as well as invitation letter for visa applications, will be sent to all participants with their registration:
Go ahead to a successful 2nd International Automotive Workers Conference!
We wish everyone a Militant and Successful New Year 2020!
With solidarity greetings
Carlos Luiz Prates Mancha (Brazil), Diego Rejon Bayo (Spain), Dieter Schweizer (Germany)
Coordinators of ICOG
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