Information letter GM / PSA - January 26th 2020
1. a new contract is being negotiated in Germany for the Opel plants, which provides for the destruction of a further 4100 jobs There is already a "key points paper" on this issue, which has been signed by the General Works Council and the Group Management as well as by the IG Metall trade union. We also have information from France that a new blackmailing contract is being discussed there. We have to assume that, in view of the merger with Fiat-Chrysler, CEO Tavares wants to destroy tens of thousands of jobs. All the more important is the international workers' unit for reduced working hours with full wage compensation, for the 6-hour day!
2. information comes from India that the GM plant Talegaon is to be sold to the Chinese concern "Great Wall" and that the workforce is not to be taken over. This could mean that the plant will be closed. A delegate from this plant will come to the International Automobile Workers' Conference as part of the Indian delegation. Solidarity addresses to the Indian colleagues can be forwarded through me!
Let us strengthen international solidarity! Come to the 2nd International Automobile Workers' Conference from February 19 to 23, 2020 in Johannesburg / South Africa!
With solidarity greetings
Fritz Hofmann
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