Proposal to ICOG for motion for participation of "external" delegates
14 February 2020 - Automotive worker or activists of the automotive worker's movement can be accredited as "external delegates".
Information Letter No. 12 - Last minutes to 2nd International Automotive Workers Conference
Dear friends! It is still possible to participate! Don't let the comprehensive program, exchange of experience and new experiences pass! Enjoy cordial fraternization!
Information Letter No 11: In a few days 2nd International Automotive Workers Conference begins
Dear friends! The count down is running and there is (mostly) very good news: Well over 200 participants from 18 countries have registered for the conference in Vereeniging, not counting the participants from South Africa.
Message of solidarity to the employees of Scaw Metals
Dear colleagues, we have learned that all 196 employees at Scaw Metals in Vereeniging were laid off on 24 January. We protest against this and are in solidarity with you in the struggle to keep your jobs. You have justifiably refused a 13% cut on wages.
Message of solidarity to the 130,000 metal workers in the collective bargaining struggle in Turkey
Dear colleagues, you have been courageously fighting for your legitimate tariff demands for over 2 weeks. In many cities you stressed your demands with demonstrations and warning strikes to the public. The employers' association MESS has threatened you with lockout in case of a strike. This is a provocation that must not be accepted. For 5 February you are preparing strikes in many factories up to a general strike.
International solidarity is assured - we support you in your just struggle for more pay!
To the struggling automobile workers in Turkey, Metalworkers' Union Birleşik Metal-Iş (German Coordination Group of the IAWC)
Information letter GM / PSA - January 26th 2020
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to report on two current developments shortly before the International Automobile Workers' Conference as part of the international group cooperation GM-PSA:
Solidarity message of ICOG to the workers of tyre factory of Continental in Rubí (Barcelona, Catalonia)
The International Coordination of Automotive Workers supports the struggle of the workforce of the Continental tire factory in Rubí (Barcelona, Catalonia). They are fighting against the threat of sale of this factory or even its closure. 760 families are demanding the remain of their jobs against a plan of the multinational that could affect more than 5000 workers around the world.
Resolution of Solidarity of the Main Coordinator of ICOR with the workers of Scaw Metals in Vereeniging/South Africa
Dear Colleagues of Scaw Metals, dear NUMSA, on behalf of ICOR, the International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organisations, I send you warm and militant greetings! With full justice you fight against the attack of the Scaw-Capitalists on your labour contract, your wages and the hard won right to be organized in a union.
Information Letter of ICOG No. 10
2nd International Automotive Workers Conference in South Africa Register now in the final spurt in preparation! We are looking forward to the 2nd International Automobile Workers Conference (2.IAC), to which delegations and guests from many countries of the world are expected in 6 weeks from February 19 to 23, 2020 in the city hall of Vereeniging (80 km south of Johannesburg).
Solidarity with the colleagues at Scaw Metals in Vereeniging
Dear colleagues at Scaw Metals we have read about the events in your company, how the management wants to break the collective agreement and cut your wages.
Declaration of solidarity to the Sitech-Collegues in Hanover and Wolfsburg from South Africa
Dear colleagues, We have learned, that the Sitech-company wants to destroy 270 jobs in Hanover and 34 in Wolfsburg. Their intention is to increase their profit by outsourcing your seat production. This is part of VW's strategy to dump the consequences of the crisis on your back. We remember well, that two years ago, also at Christmas and the turn of the year 2017 to 2018, there was a fierce battle against the dismissal of 200 temporary workers in Hanover and Wolfsburg.
Solidarity Message from South Africa to Honda Workers on Strike
Dear collegues, we send you our warmest greetings from Southafrica.
Update on Strike at Honda Manesar India
Letter of President of Honda Motor Cycle and Scooter
Honda Motor Cycle in Manesar, India: Strike against the dismissal of 1500 contractual workers continues!
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