Cordial invitation to the 3rd International Automotive Workers Conference in Pune India, November 20 to 24, 2025
December 3, 2024: Dear colleagues, The International Coordination Group of the International Automotive Workers' Coordination (ICOG) and the trade union federations 'Shramik Ekta Mahasangh' (SEM) and 'Trade Union Center of India' (TUCI) invite all automotive workers, their families and friends, their trade unions and organizations to the 3rd International Automotive Workers' Conference (3rd IAC) from 20 to 24 November 2025 in Pune, India.
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Car companies around the world are intensifying their exploitation, closing entire plants and laying off tens of thousands of car workers. Not with us! They depend on us, not the other way around. We are creating international automotive workers' unity against their attacks, but also against environmental destruction, the threat of war, fascism and for a future worth living without exploitation and oppression.
Our movement above party lines has been able to actively organize the unity of the international automotive workers' movement since the first time we came together in 1998, then still as the Automobile Workers' Counsel: Declarations of solidarity and visiting each other strengthened the strikers' backs. Delegations from many countries came to the 7-day strike of Opel workers in Bochum/Germany in 2004. The IAC movement made struggles, but also the oppression of militant automotive workers, known worldwide. Directly after the 1st International Automotive Workers' Conference in 2015, it was instrumental in exposing VW's emissions fraud.
Our program of struggle, which was adopted at the 2nd International Automotive Workers' Conference in South Africa in February 2020, formulates our most important common demands and our vision for the future. We are now striving to develop the coordination of struggles to a higher level. Such international cooperation and exchange of experience is unique.
We need to take this forward across national and corporate boundaries. This includes the strike by UAW trade unionists in the USA, the company-wide strikes by Stellantis employees in Italy and currently the struggles against the planned mass destruction of jobs in the automotive and supplier industry, such as at VW, Stellantis, Ford, ZF, Continental, Bosch and many others.
The 3rd IAC has the proven four pillars: Decision-making delegates' assembly, forums of international group cooperation, topic-related forums and workshops, mass and cultural program. The basic principles of the International Automotive Workers' Coordination are: self-organized, democratic, over party lines and financially independent.
The organization of the 3rd IAC relies on many volunteers. Join one of our organizing teams. Support the international fundraising!
Please contact the ICOG for registration, suggestions and questions:
and have a look at our website:
With solidarity greetings
International Coordination Group of the International Automotive Workers' Coordination (ICOG)
Shramik Ekta Mahasangh (SEM) India
Trade Union Center of India (TUCI) India
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