VDL subsidized due to layoffs

July 11, 2024: VDL Nedcar has stopped producing cars for some time. However, the dismissed personnel have by no means all found jobs. Some workers have worked there all their lives and at 55 can't be called old, but the bosses think differently, it seems. More than 750 people are on unemployment benefit and either do not have a job or do some volunteer work. There will now be a good two million in subsidies to help people find work. Much of this money will go to the South Limburg Work Center. The subsidy comes from the European Union, the province of Limburg,

South Limburg municipalities and the UWV. Boards and management shout that they need personnel, but if you then look closer it soon turns out that you have to have certain knowledge and skills (as at ASML), you have to have a certain work experience, you are too old, and so on.
The management of VDL which owns Nedcar does not have to incur any costs in finding jobs for all (in different phases) over 3,500 laid-off workers. That may explain why they rank 18th in the Quote 500 with estimated assets of over two billion euros. The company originated in Brabant and has a total of 105 branches in 19 countries with a 15,000 workers.

Documented from Rode Morgen: https://www.rodemorgen.nl/overzicht/nieuws.htm#4968



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