Solidary greetings from IAC Mercedes Corporate Coordination to United Autoworkers Union (UAW) and Labor Notes Congress in Chicago

Sindelfingen / Germany / April 27, 2024 Dear colleagues of the United Autoworkers Union (UAW) and at the Labor Notes Congress in Chicago! We colleagues of the Mercedes Benz / Daimler Group within the International Automotive Workers Coordination (IAC), send you and your families militant and solidary greetings! We were delighted to support your successful, historic, simultaneous strike against the three major US car manufacturers Ford, Stellantis and General Motors (GM) last year and are now supporting the logical consequence of this success:

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Not only wages at the "Big Three" must be raised, but the wages of all auto workers and the entire working class!

To achieve this, it is necessary to increase the level of organization!

We therefore wish the workers in the Mercedes / Daimler Group in particular complete success in the further development of strong trade union structures in their vote on May 13, 2024.

We stand firm, side by side, with our colleagues worldwide. On May 1, we will also publicize the developments and the struggle in the USA at our demonstrations in Germany.

Especially in times of great upheaval, when the threat of a third world war is looming, when the global environmental catastrophe has begun and when more and more governments around the world are moving to the right, it is crucial to promote solidarity and unity among workers internationally!

It is not the workers who are in competition with each other worldwide, but the hunt for maximum profit by the shareholders of international finance capital that is driving the workers into misery and hardship.

The International Automotive Workers' Conference (IAWC) has also set itself the goal of uniting the working class in struggles and building solidarity structures worldwide. We must discuss alternative social systems, even beyond capitalism, and coordinate our struggles.

Good luck in building and expanding the organization of the working class with strong unions in all automotive and supplier companies in the USA!

We cordially invite you to participate in our 3rd International Automotive Workers Conference in India at the end of November 2025. We would be very happy if you would share your experiences and lessons learned from the current struggles and the building of union organization and could participate with a delegation from the USA.

Long live international solidarity!

For the Corporate Coordination Mercedes-Benz / Daimler within the International Automotive Workers' Coordination (IAC),

Johanna Jäckh-Vermeulen, Sindelfingen, Germany




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