General assembly of IG Metall shop stewards at Mercedes-Benz Duesseldorf - Solidarity greetings to United Auto Workers (UAW) on strike

29 October 2023: Dear Colleagues the UAW union, the United Auto Workers in the USA, you started your strike on September 15, 2023 for the 150,000 employees of the BIG THREE: General Motors, Ford and Stellantis after the collective agreements expired. Your strike began with a few thousand to initialize as a “Stand Up” strike. It is now in its 6th week and you have expanded it to include up to 45,000 strikers at over 40 locations.

For the first time in the history of the USA, the BIG THREE are going on strike at the same time: you are sending a signal that we are not isolated, not my country or company first, we have to fight together across locations and companies.

We will discuss your demands very carefully here; they also correspond to our problems and needs. The transition to electromobility and digitalization threatens tens of thousands of jobs here as well as in yours.

Your answer is the demand for 36 percent more wages over four years, the 32-hour week as a four-day week with full wage compensation, an abolition of pay scales and lower wage groups and the right to strike against factory closures. 

Touch one - touch all! Whoever attacks one attacks all! “Marble, stone and iron are breaking, but international workers and trade union unity will never break!” .

Militant and solidarity greetings from the representatives of the IG Metall-Union at Mercedes Benz “Sprinter” Duesseldorf 

Decided unanimously from the general assembly of shop stewards, Düsseldorf October 29, 2023


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