Solidarity greetings for the general strike of the grassroots unions in Italy on October 11, 2021

Gear Colleagues, Your courageous call for a general strike is justifiably directed "against the policies of the Draghi government and the European Union, which, with the unblocking of layoffs, the further liberalization of subcontracting and the use of PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) funds, represent a gigantic social slaughter at the expense of workers, temporary workers and the unemployed. This exclusively benefits the ruling classes and international speculators, who are primarily responsible for the economic crisis and the health and social catastrophe we have witnessed in this year and a half of pandemic.

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This offensive by governments and bosses is accompanied by an intolerable escalation of repression against strikes and social struggles, which in recent weeks has repeatedly led to violence and attacks against workers and union activists." (from the strike call of the grassroots unions, August 12, 2021)

We support your general strike and the strike goals. The working and unemployed, including their families, are to be saddled with the entire burden of the crisis, not only in Italy. This requires a corresponding response in each country. Moreover, the transnational common struggle against it is challenged, within the European Union and worldwide.

The impact of the global economic and financial crisis and the new international structural crisis based on the transition to electric mobility and digitalization has also been exacerbated by the effects of the Corona pandemic. We, as International Automotive Workers' Coordination, are committed to strengthening the militant international workers' and trade union movement . In particular, we are working to build cooperation among the militant automotive workforces, including the automotive suppliers. There we will publicize your struggle worldwide and organize solidarity with your general strike.

We wish you a good mobilization, broad participation and good luck for the general strike on October 11. We stand by your side! For the future we think it is important to develop an even closer exchange and cooperation.

For the strengthening of international workers' and trade union unity!

Long live International Solidarity!


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