Information Letter No. 12 - Last minutes to 2nd International Automotive Workers Conference

Dear friends! It is still possible to participate! Don't let the comprehensive program, exchange of experience and new experiences pass! Enjoy cordial fraternization!


On a meeting in Vereeniging the unity of struggle of colleagues from 7 plants from energy and steel sites could be strengthened. The solidarity visit at the dismissed colleagues of Scaw Metal strengthened their struggle morale and the international workers unity.

The 30 brigadiers at the time are organized in 10 teams and work hard in the last preparations for safe accommodation, transport, catering, etc.

Big thanks to the busy helpers!

Attention!: The real costs for travel support, processing of permissions, technical and logistical costs are, as already reported, a lot higher then planned. Therefore we state an acute call for donations.

The donation account is:

Erwin Dietrich, IBAN DE58 7001 0080 0349 3138 02 BIC PBNKDEFFXXX

From all attending countries country report are prepared (5 minutes Powerpoint Presentation). The amended draft of program of struggle will be discussed and the panels are prepared. On-site donations are collected and the struggle for visa is led.

If you can't attend, we ask you for greeting messages and/or video messages and your Skype, Facebook, WhatsApp or email-address. Then we can get in touch, present contributions of your countries and inform you on the run of the conference and the most important discussions.

Bring your flags and banners for the rally and decoration of the hall, make cultural contributions for the program, bring handicrafts and literature, which can be offered at IAC for financing of your travel expenses.

The proposal for the exact schedule changed a little, because we have to be back in the lodge before darkness every day for security reasons.

Updated agenda of the 2nd International Automotive Workers Conference:





Wed. 19.2.

until 10 a.m

Arrival and accreditation of the delegates


11.00 – 11.30

Opening ceremony


11.30 - 17.00

Plenary session: Situation and struggles in the auto and supplier industry country reports


17.00 – 18.30

Opening evening

Thurs. 20.2.

8.30 - 12.30

Delegates Assembly with introduction resolutions and discussion of Draft of International Program of Struggle


14.00 – 18.00

Thematic forums (titles on website)



Small evening program at the lodge

Fri. 21.2.

8.30 – 15.00

Corporate group forums of Daimler/Renault, VW, GM/PSA, Ford, BMW, Bosch and suppliers


16.00 – 18.00

Rally in Vereeniging



Dinner and cheerful being together at the lodge

Sat. 22.2.

8.30 - 16.30

Delegates Assembly with work report of ICOG, Financial report and auditors' report, Decision on Program of Struggle, election of new ICOG

Sat., 22.2.q

9.00 – 12.00

9.00 – 12.00

13.30 – 16.30


Tour to steel mill

Visit of Vaal Teknorama Museum, Sharpeville Memorial

Promotional activities for celebration


Sat., 22.2.

17.00 – 19.00

Closing celebration

Sun. 23.2.

8.30 - 12.00

Closing plenary session

Further important informations for participants:

  • Prices for the joint accommodation, food and travel costs are now exactly known:

Airport transfer: per participant, one direction 250 Rand (17€)

Catering fee and transfer to City Hall is 250 Rand per day (17€). for all five conference days together 1250 Rand (85€)

Sleeping at SEMA Lodge offers 3 categories and prices. We'd like you to take in consideration, that we will respect age, health or other constraints. Sleeping in higher standard is 550 Rand (35€), in multi-bed rooms is 400 Rand (25€), in tents and huts is 150 Rand (10€). In tents camping mats, blankets and pillows are offered.

  • A light sleeping bag and towel can be brought along. If possible, bring a battery LED lamp for the common rooms.

  • Please change your money to South African Rand at the airport. There are no ATM around SEMA Lodge.

  • At arrival you get hints on behavior, security and hygiene.

We happily await you! Request will be given under

Solidarity greetings

Carlos Luiz Prates Mancha (Brazil), Diego Rejon Bayo (Spain), Dieter Schweizer (Germany)

Coordinators of ICOG



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